Astro Pet Cat Litter Mat for Jupiter Series

The cat litter catch mat is specially designed for cat owners looking for an efficient and clean...
€79,99 Sale

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Versand ab 15.08.
Shipped from Germany



Functional Highlights:
  • Efficient Cat Litter Catching: The grid design effectively collects cat litter.
  • Recyclable: Collected litter can be reused, reducing litter consumption and costs.
  • Large Capacity: Surpasses conventional models in litter-catching capacity, extending cleaning intervals.
  • High-Quality ABS Material: Provides durability and a pleasant texture.
  • Non-Slip Base: Ensures your cat's safety.
  • Comfortable Entry and Exit: The mat serves as a small step for easier entry and exit.
  • Easy to Clean: Simple disassembly for easy cleaning.
  • Dimensions: Width 48.9 cm x Depth 36.5 cm x Height 13.0 cm



Allgemeine Information

Mit Maßen von 48,5 × 36,9 × 13,0 cm bietet sie ein großzügiges Fassungsvermögen

Astro Pet Cat Litter Mat for Jupiter Series

Astro Pet Cat Litter Mat for Jupiter Series

€79,99 €69,99

Astro Pet Cat Litter Mat for Jupiter Series

€79,99 €69,99

How it works

Suitable for multi-cat households

Increases home hygiene

Functional Highlights:
  • Efficient Cat Litter Catching: The grid design effectively collects cat litter.
  • Recyclable: Collected litter can be reused, reducing litter consumption and costs.
  • Large Capacity: Surpasses conventional models in litter-catching capacity, extending cleaning intervals.
  • High-Quality ABS Material: Provides durability and a pleasant texture.
  • Non-Slip Base: Ensures your cat's safety.
  • Comfortable Entry and Exit: The mat serves as a small step for easier entry and exit.
  • Easy to Clean: Simple disassembly for easy cleaning.
  • Dimensions: Width 48.9 cm x Depth 36.5 cm x Height 13.0 cm

Efficient cat litter catching

The innovative solution for a clean and hygienic environment around the Mercury Series cat litter box. Our cat litter catching mat revolutionizes cleaning with its efficient grid design, as excess litter is captured and can be reused. Thanks to its large capacity and the use of high-quality ABS material, the product combines durability with comfort and safety while keeping the floor clean.

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